An Update from CUFI Action Fund
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We often discuss the US-Israel relationship in very high-minded and spiritual terms because we are, after all, the CHRISTIANS United for Israel Action Fund. This foundation of shared values is deep and strong, but some on Capitol Hill, view the world differently then we. However, that doesn’t mean that those with a different approach to foreign policy should place less tangible value on the alliance between America and Israel. Regardless of how one views the alliance, we should always remember that we share values, goals, defenses, and yes, enemies.

Shared Enemies

The premium Americans and Israelis place on life and liberty draws hatred from those who see Western freedoms as antithetical to their rigid, dogmatic and authoritarian ways. Terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah, and their backers in Iran and elsewhere, despise our free and open societies - where women and minorities and people of all walks of life are treated with dignity and respect.

And these enemies will use any means at their disposal to strike at the innocents who enjoy the freedoms that in many ways define our way of life. This past week, we saw this on display as Hamas terrorists launched rockets, yet again, into Israel. Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted the projectiles ensuring no loss of life.

Shared Goals

This system has saved countless lives and has flourished with the consistent American support of the Jewish state.

This past Friday, the House of Representatives passed its annual Defense Appropriations bill. Included in the measure was $500 million for Israel’s three missile defense systems: the Arrow system, David’s Sling, and, of course, Iron Dome.  The package also included $47.5 million in funding for US-Israel cooperation in the development of anti-tunnel technology, $4 million for the two countries to collaborate on efforts to combat the novel coronavirus, and $6 million in funding for joint US-Israel energy and water programs.

Shared Defenses

The CUFI Action Fund welcomes the inclusion of these elements in this package, and we recognize that such cooperation does not just benefit Israel; it enhances America’s ability to defend ourselves as well.

This week the worlds largest cargo plane landed in Israel for the US Army to take possession of its first batch of Iron Dome systems. We cannot say for certain where these batteries will be deployed, but what we can assure our readers is that wherever they are stationed, American troops in the area will be better protected.

The cooperation between the US and Israel on missile defense exemplifies the importance of the US-Israel relationship – whether or not one views foreign policy through a moral lens. In fact, this cooperation is so deep that America’s Raytheon Technologies and Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems announced this week that they will begin producing the system here in the United States. This creates American jobs and most importantly, ensures that we are able to produce this system here at home to protect those who safeguard our freedom.

Though the focus of this week’s update is not on Lebanon, regular readers of the Update know, we are deeply focused on events there, and we would be remiss if we did not address the enormous explosion that occurred in Beirut on Tuesday. As of this writing, information about the massive blast is trickling in, with little confirmed. However, we do know that true to their nature Israel has offered humanitarian assistance to their northern neighbors. Next week, we’ll be sure to bring you any additional information about this event that becomes available.


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